El papel del futuro en la constitución de nuestro ser (-ahí). La influencia de Aristóteles en el concepto heideggeriano de tiempo


  • Marta Figueras i Badia
Keywords: time, being, Dasein, temporality, property, Aristotle


The study of Aristotle’s work is essential in order to understand the way in which Heidegger answers the question of what time is. The purpose of this communication is, firstly, analyzing the peculiar radicalization of Aristotle’s concept of time made by the young Heidegger; secondly, showing the close relationship between the understanding of daily time offered by Aristotle and the original time, focusing on the importance of future in the constitution of our own being.


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How to Cite
Figueras i Badia, M. (2010). El papel del futuro en la constitución de nuestro ser (-ahí). La influencia de Aristóteles en el concepto heideggeriano de tiempo. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, 257–264. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/daimon/article/view/119431