La noción plural de sujeto de justicia. Un nuevo reto para la filosofía


  • Lidia de Tienda Palop
Keywords: justice, Rawls, Nussbaum, animals, disability


Thinking the future of Justice implies not only answering the question, considered its object: what is it due?, but another more original: To whom is it due? Theories of Social contract, specially the rawlsian, have a great influence on contemporary models of justice. Some of the most powerful critics are the ones held by Walzer, who integrates the plurality in the very structure of the justice, and by Nussbaum, who emphasizes the importance of grasping the subject of justice as plural. A new step is needed: recognizing the plurality in the social links, if we wish a reliable theory of justice.


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How to Cite
Tienda Palop, L. de. (2010). La noción plural de sujeto de justicia. Un nuevo reto para la filosofía. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, 171–179. Retrieved from
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