Psychological trails of football coaches in Spain


Keywords: psychology, strenght, coaching, football, motivation, leadership


This paper studies the psychological strengths of a sample of 260 football coaches in Spain and their relationship with several socio-demographic variables. The Football Coaches Personal Strengths Questionnaire composed of 27 items under four dimensions: motivation, weaknesses, personal development and credibility. The results show high scores on the variables motivation, training and credibility (M > 4.2) but low scores on weaknesses (M=1.82). In the correlational analysis, weakness correlates negatively with the other three dimensions; whereas does positively with motivation and people formation (rs ≥.43). Similarly, significant differences are found in relation to the gender of coaches (men > women) and motivation. And also with respect to the sex of the team (women > men) and age of the coaches (31-40 < 41-55 years), in relation to the training of people.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Caballero, J. M., Blázquez Manzano, A., & Feu, S. (2024). Psychological trails of football coaches in Spain. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(2), 107–120.
Psicología del Deporte