Psychometric properties of the Contextualized Planning Scale in Physical Education


Keywords: Physical education, Teacher, Contextualized planning, Basic education, validation


The teacher's planning should respond to the environment in which the teaching-learning process takes place. In this sense, the objective of this study was to adapt and validate the Physical Education Planning Influence Questionnaire to the Mexican context. A total of 748 physical education teachers from Mexico (64.2% men), with a mean age of 38 years, participated in the study and were divided into two subsamples. With the first one, an exploratory factor analysis was performed, which presented a KMO value of .869 and a Barlett's sphericity of: x2 = 9433.705; df = 703; p < .001, and where the items were grouped into 10 factors (two of them, added for this study). With the second subsample, confirmatory factor analyses were performed on the 10-factor model (x2/df = 4.49; NNFI = .98; CFI = .98; RMSEA = .042) and on a second-order model (x2/df = 2.86; NNFI = .90; CFI = .93; RMSEA = .05). Both models presented adequate goodness-of-fit indices. After performing the test-retest analysis on an independent sample of 68 teachers from the same geographical area, it was concluded that the Contextualized Planning Scale in Physical Education is a valid, reliable and standardized instrument that allows measuring the degree of influence exerted by various factors on the teacher's planning in the Mexican context.


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04-01-2023 — Updated on 04-01-2023
How to Cite
Cuevas-López, A. A., Vergara Torres, A. P., Mendoza-Baldenebro, R. E. ., & Ceballos-Gurrola, O. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Contextualized Planning Scale in Physical Education. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(1), 219–233.
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