Analysis of the exercise behavior in gym exercisers across two years
This study aimed to examine the behavior of exercisers across two years, considering their exercise frequency as a predictor of future frequency. In total, 4788 new gym exercisers (female = 2556) aged between 18 and 75 years were enrolled for analysis. Adherence. Computerized records at the gyms and health clubs were used to measure exercise adherence. The collected data was analyzed using structural equation modelling and mediation model specifications. Regarding the dropout rate and later exclusion from the analysis: 39% dropped out within the first six months (T1) and the following six months (T2); 25% withdraw the practice between T2 and six months after one year of regular practice (T3); and 10% dropped out between T3 and six months after a year and a half of regular practice (T4). According to the results of the structural equation model, several significant direct and indirect effects were found, thus suggesting that T2 and T3 may play a mediation role between T1 and T4. Looking at the results from the mediation model, it is possible to observe that the direct effect was not significant. The results show the existence of total mediation between the period T1 → T4, since the total indirect effect is significant and greater than the direct effect. Individuals who practice physical exercise at least twice a week without interruption were those who were more likely to remain in practice after two years of monitoring their behavior.
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