Are the traits of perfectionism associated with pre-competitive anxiety in young athletes?

Perfectionism and pre competitive anxiety in young athletes


Keywords: Personality; Stress; Anxiety; Sport.


This cross-sectional study verified the association between perfectionism and pre-competitive anxiety among young athletes. Participants were 177 boys and girls, who responded the Sport Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale-2 (SMPS-2) and Sports Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2). Data analysis was conducted through Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, “U” of Mann-Whitney, Spearman’s correlation and Path Analysis (p<0.05). The main results were that boys presented higher score of personal standards/organization and feel more pressured by parents, while the girls feel more somatic anxiety and care more about the games. Path Analysis revealed that perfectionistic strivings (PS) are associated with the reduction of cognitive/somatic anxiety, especially among boys, while perfectionistic concerns (PC) are positively associated with cognitive/somatic anxiety in both sexes. These findings show that PS seems to be an intervening factor for the reduction of the symptoms of cognitive and somatic anxiety, while PC may intensify the symptoms of somatic and cognitive anxiety among youth athletes, especially among boys.


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How to Cite
Freire, G. L. M., Sousa , V. da C. ., Alves, J. F. N. ., Moraes, J. F. V. N. de ., Oliveira, D. V. de, & Nascimento Junior, J. R. A. do. (2020). Are the traits of perfectionism associated with pre-competitive anxiety in young athletes? Perfectionism and pre competitive anxiety in young athletes. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 20(2), 37–46.
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