Interpersonal styles, dispositional factors, self-confidence and precompetitive anxiety in high performance athletes


  • Heriberto Antonio Pineda-Espejel Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Deportes
  • Raquel Morquecho-Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Organización Deportiva
  • Edgar Alarcón Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Deportes
Keywords: autonomy-supportive coaching, controlling style, motivation, need for competence


The aim of this study was to test a model that examines the sequence: interpersonal style that athletes perceive that generates the coach, need for competence (satisfaction and thwarted), motivational regulations, and pre-competitive self-confidence and anxiety consequences. The mediating role of the need for competence and motivational regulations was also discussed. A set of questionnaires was administered to 239 high performance athletes who participated in a variety of sports. The results showed an adequate adjustment of the model to the data (S-B c2=35.711, p< .01; RMSEA=.066; NNFI=.904; CFI=.947), and indicated that the autonomy support coaching style positively predicts the satisfaction of the need for competence (b=.17, p<.05), it positively predicted autonomous motivation to sports participation (b=.23, p<.05), and negatively the amotivation (b=-.22, p<.05); while the autonomous motivation predicts precompetitive self-confidence (b=.29, p<.05), and motivation does the precompetitive anxiety in their cognitive (b=.28, p<.01) and somatic (b=.17, p<.05) dimensions. On the other hand, the controller coaching style predicts positively the controlled motivation to sports participation (b=.27, p<.05); this association is partially mediated by the thwarted need for competence. The results support the importance of autonomy support coaching style due to their effects on self-confidence and precompetitive anxiety of athletes.


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How to Cite
Pineda-Espejel, H. A., Morquecho-Sánchez, R., & Alarcón, E. (2020). Interpersonal styles, dispositional factors, self-confidence and precompetitive anxiety in high performance athletes. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 20(1), 10–24.
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