Imagen corporal y práctica de actividades físico-deportivas en estudiantes de nivel secundaria
The aim of the study is to value body image, the practice of physical-sport activities, and the perception of the health in school age adolescents in middle school. A non-experimental, descriptive, comparative and correlational study design is presented. The subject population of the study is a sample of 416 middle school students from the city San Nicolas de los Garza, N. L. Mexico selected by random sampling and stratified by gender and grade level, with an age between 12 and 15 years (13,14 ± 0,87), of which 216 are male and 200 are female; with an average weight of 53,63 ± 10,33 kg, a height of 1,59 ± 8,44 m and a BMI of 21 ± 3,03. The questionnaire Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ-8A) was used, with 8 items and a response scale of 1 to 6 (where 1 is never and 6 is always), grouped in cut off points based on the concern of the body image: < 19 never, 19-25 slight, 26-33 moderate, >33 marked. The instrument has good psychometric properties. The statistical program SPSS v24 and LISREL were used for the analysis of the data. In general, Mexican adolescent students have an important concern for their body image, especially in women and those who perceive poor health, people who have a higher practice of physical-sports activities show a positive attitude towards their own body.
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