Information Processing and Decision Making. The Investigation in Sport Context: From the Pass to the Future


  • Luís Cid Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal. Departamento de Psicologia e Ciências Sociais do Desporto
  • José Alves Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal. Departamento de Psicologia e Ciências Sociais do Desporto
Keywords: Information processing, decision making, sport, history


Since the last decades, the theories of the information processing, come trying to give us answers about the way as a human-being, especially the sport performers, mentally treat information and takes its decisions. Despite the important contributes for the knowledge of the mental process in decision making, propose by the cognitive approach, currently, the study of information processing it has been oriented by the ecological perspective, supported by the dynamic systems models, that valorise, above all, the constant interaction between the athlete and the environment. To know the path to the future in the investigation in this domain, it is of extreme importance analyze and understand its past. So, with the present work, we intend to give our contribute for the knowledge of the portuguese investigations in this field. To accomplish such propose we have made a research of portuguese authors publications, produced in the sport context, since the first study published in 1965 until nowadays.


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How to Cite
Cid, L., & Alves, J. (2006). Information Processing and Decision Making. The Investigation in Sport Context: From the Pass to the Future. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 6(2). Retrieved from

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