Reliability and factorial validity of the TCI-R in a sample of addicts in treatment


  • Eduardo J. Pedrero-Pérez CAD 4. Instituto de Adicciones. Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Keywords: Personality, temperament, character, addiction, multivariate factor analysis, construct validity, TCI-R, Cloninger


The TCI-R is the latest instrument to measure Cloninger biosocial theory and it has proven to be one of the most useful questionnaires in predicting behavior, especially in its pathological variants. Although the Spanish version was published seven years ago, there are few studies that support their psychometric goodness. It requires knowledge of the reliability and internal validity for clinical application. A sample of 824 subjects who started treatment for his addiction in a specialized center was recruited. Tests were performed to explore internal consistency of items, facets and main dimensions of the questionnaire, and construct validity studies using multivariate exploratory, parallel and confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed several inconsistencies in the different levels of analysis, although the main trend points to the confirmation of the theoretical structure. Given the predictive validity shown by the TCI-R, a refinement is necessary to reaffirm its clinical value. Perhaps, as suggested by Cloninger own, it will be necessary to use nonlinear methods, which capture the dynamic relationship between the neurological substrates underlying features and a less static concept of the components of personality.


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How to Cite
Pedrero-Pérez, E. J. (2013). Reliability and factorial validity of the TCI-R in a sample of addicts in treatment. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 29(3), 816–826.
Clinical and Health Psychology