From the desert to the city: brief stories of a people in the Beyrouk’s Short stories of Desert


  • Bernardette Rey Mimoso-Ruiz
Keywords: Mots-clés : nouvelle, Mauritanie, traditions, désert, ville, mémoire.


Although the short form is becoming increasingly popular in our time, it also belongs to an ancient tradition whose story is one of the most popular, while the new one appears more like a city story. In fact, one uses the wonderful and the repetitive, the other, on the contrary, saves words, and gives them place and precise meaning.

A Mauritanian writer, Beyrouk combines the two genres in his collection of Short Stories of desert (2009), where twenty short texts depict a society torn between desert traditions and the city’s attraction. In contrast to ancestral beliefs is the slow absorption of the city that corrupts and gnaws souls, and gives the whole collection the vocation of witnessing to a finitude of which he strives to preserve memory.


Key-words: short story, Mauritania, traditions, desert, city, memory.



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How to Cite
Rey Mimoso-Ruiz, B. (2023). From the desert to the city: brief stories of a people in the Beyrouk’s Short stories of Desert. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.