Digital competence in neouniversity students in teacher training courses at an Ecuadorian university
The development of digital competences is an unavoidable responsibility of educational institutions due to its relevance for the progress of societies. Based on the DigComp 2.1 model, the study aimed to characterise the levels of self-perception of digital competence in new university students in teacher training courses at an Ecuadorian university. The methodology used is quantitative with a non-experimental and descriptive approach, for data collection an ad hoc questionnaire was designed and subjected to evaluation by expert judgement. The population studied was made up of new university students in teacher training courses. The general results showed average levels of self-perception of digital competence among the participants; however, in some of the competences and indicators surveyed, levels between medium and low were obtained. These elements were analysis and critical contribution of digital information, creation of digital content, management of network profiles, digital security and problem solving. The conclusion is that the areas of digital competence with lower levels of self-perception need to be strengthened and that aspects such as previous training and educational policies have an impact on this self-perception. In view of this, it is important to guide, from formal education, the so-called digital natives in the appropriate development of their digital competences.
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