Integration of ICT in teaching and learning in high school students in a province of the Dominican Republic


Keywords: Teaching skills, ICT integration, Teaching, Learning, Secondary level


Digital technologies are conceived as fundamental resources in the education of new generations. Both within the framework of technical subjects and as a key competence to be developed in students, it implies good institutional management to achieve their effective integration into the teaching-learning process. To this end, (Garcia, 2021) highlights that "ICTs are those technologies that have the capacity to store, process, and transform information". This article addressed the analysis of the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in a secondary level institution in the Dominican Republic.


This analysis has been carried out from a pedagogical perspective that conceives ICTs as a potential and beneficial tool in teaching and learning processes. The results showed that all teachers integrate ICTs into their teaching processes, however, there are significant limitations that must be addressed since most technological resources are available in laboratories and not in classrooms.


Among the conclusions, it can be inferred that the fact that technological resources are only available in laboratories is a limitation, since when used for classes in some technical areas, they are not always available to be used in subjects of other areas. The foregoing implies the need to make organizational decisions related to the reservation and management of resources in the classroom. Likewise, it also implies the rethinking of institutional decisions regarding infrastructure and spaces.


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How to Cite
Álvarez-Flores, E. A. (2024). Integration of ICT in teaching and learning in high school students in a province of the Dominican Republic . RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (17), 101–115.