The key is methodology: when appearances do not deceive


Keywords: Research, systematic review, quantitative, qualitative, mixed reserach


When we discuss the advancement of society, we inevitably talk about research as a central axis for improvement. Through research we manage to avoid myths, solve problems, learn about essential social aspects, etc. However, in order to carry out quality research in all areas of knowledge, including Educational Technology, a methodology is required in accordance with the research question, the context in which we are located, the data that can be collected and a series of characteristics that allow us to really develop quality work. For this reason, this monograph includes articles that work at a theoretical level on new - or not so new - methods to serve as a basis for future research. These articles provide the reader with in-depth knowledge of systematic reviews, mixed and qualitative research and the phenomenographic method. Not only that, but the monograph also includes applied research in this area to serve as an example of these techniques. Overall, this is an issue that is intended to be the basis for research in the field of Educational Technology.


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Author Biography

Víctor González Calatayud, University of Murcia

Dpto. Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Becario Predoctoral


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How to Cite
González Calatayud, V. (2022). The key is methodology: when appearances do not deceive. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, 1–4.