How to do qualitative research in the area of educational technology
Although we are currently in one of the times of the widest dissemination of research, where disclosure is almost an obligation in any investigation and therefore, most of the public is familiar with different methodologies, it is common to find great ignorance about the precepts of qualitative research. In this work we have tried to raise, as a information, those basic questions that any researcher should know before delving into the design of qualitative research. Starting with the main characteristics of this research methodology with respect to quantitative research, to delve into those more traditional and already basic modalities, within this current. There is also a tour of those essential strategies and procedures on information collection, when to stop collecting data, as well as categorization and triangulation as key elements of data analysis. The intention of this work is to offer a basic perspective on qualitative research, in a way that provides a complete vision for those researchers who want to start their journey in this field. Especially in the area of educational technology, where the tradition of quantitative methodology continues to be the majority, and this means that the suitability of qualitative methodology for the study of certain research problems is not being used.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Manuel Fernández Navas, Ana Yara Postigo-Fuentes, Laura Pérez Granados, Noelia Alcaraz Salarirche
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