Learner agency, entrepreneurial skill and flexibility of learning experiences


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/riite.524341
Keywords: Agency, flexible learning pathway, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit


Entrepreneurship education requires connecting students to situations in the outside world, and technology-enriched learning environments are suitable for this purpose. Entrepreneurship education is conceived not only to teach how to run a business or set up a company, but also to foster creative thinking and promote a strong sense of self-esteem and empowerment.  The skills associated with entrepreneurial competence are largely qualities of the learner's agency and refer to the capacity to act intentionally, the subject's intention, motivation, proactivity and capacity to act. Agency, like entrepreneurial competence, is related to the preparation for expert work (enhancing creativity, collaboration, co-construction of knowledge and working practices). 

A study of agency in learning situations characterised by learner-centred methodologies, especially through flexible learning pathways, is presented here.

The AUS2 questionnaire is used for the analysis of agency and the results present a selection of questions whose data are related to the qualities associated with entrepreneurship. This selection is used for indicative purposes only. We also do not have data on agency in other learning situations with which to compare. The results show high values, in general, and especially in the assessment of the participatory factors referring to the perception of equal opportunities, the ability to make decisions or the possibility to influence the course, in terms of facilitating autonomy and awareness and responsibility in one's own learning process.


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How to Cite
Salinas, J. (2022). Learner agency, entrepreneurial skill and flexibility of learning experiences. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (12), 64–75. https://doi.org/10.6018/riite.524341