Analysis of Moodle use from the perspective of the TAM model in times of pandemic


Keywords: Learning media, information and communication technologies, educational technology, distance education, Moodle


The world as we know it came to a halt with the emergence of the mutant strain of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which started in China in December 2019 and which, by March 2020, the OMS declared a global pandemic. This brought a host of unprecedented economic, social, health and, of course, educational problems, putting face-to-face educational institutions in a difficult situation. Teaching had to be adapted with methodologies that included the use of digital technology. This is how the Central University of Ecuador decided to work remotely in the teaching-learning processes through the Moodle platform. The objective of this study is to analyse this experience based on the TAM technology acceptance model. An ad hoc questionnaire was used as an evaluation instrument to assess the different dimensions that make up this model. The research group consisted of a population of 156 participants from different academic levels of the degree course "Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences of Computer Science" of the University in question. Among the main conclusions found, it was observed that the technical quality of the system had a positive influence on student learning. It is necessary to investigate the use of virtual learning environments in order to define the most appropriate methodologies in virtual teaching situations.


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How to Cite
Roig-Vila, R., Rojas-Viteri , J. ., & Lascano-Herrera, N. A. (2022). Analysis of Moodle use from the perspective of the TAM model in times of pandemic. RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (12), 95–112.