Educational model based on participatory action using mobile devices for creative teaching
This contribution presents a brief exposition and reflection on technological educational models of a constructivist nature close to the use of images and mediated by mobile devices. The approach is based on the use of the Smartphone as a means that collaborates in the teaching and learning process, since it provides interesting connective capabilities to operate outside the classroom. In addition, the visual and audiovisual interest of the images permeates the educational actions. The proposal that serves as an example addresses, from the exploratory level, a heritage educational experience through the technique of situated learning. It is intended to glimpse the perception of mobile learning of the teachers participating in the activity. The proposal presented is not shown as the only model to be replicated, quite the contrary, it is suggested that the participants adapt its benefits to their own educational action, implementing it in the curricular contents that each specialist teaches according to their subject. Those involved in the activity show motivation to participate, although, despite this, there is evidence of a low level of knowledge regarding the possibilities of applying technological resources in teaching practice. The proposal is suggestive, serving as a reference in future implementations, for which the need for teacher training is verified.
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