Online education during COVID-19: problems faced by teachers


Keywords: education, society, information and communication technology


In the present research work a review of the theory is carried out, thanks to which we will know how the current society has changed due to technological advances, thus influencing the current society, which we can affirm that it is an Information Society made up of digital citizens.
Therefore, we will know the consequences that ICTs have caused in our society and, focusing on the educational field, we can observe how the educational gap and the digital divide have become more acute. Therefore, the problems will be presented in the context of the health crisis of COVID-19, in order to understand how the teaching-learning process was developed online.
For this, a research instrument has been developed in order to address the problems faced and also measure the strategies that these teachers developed. These aspects will be treated in a vulnerable context, since the research instrument will be completed by teachers who exercised last year in educational centres that belonged to the Educational Compensation Plan, in order to be able to analyse this situation in the most vulnerable contexts.
Finally, in relation to the results obtained, we can observe how the problems that the teachers have had to face, such as the lack of technological resources or the scarce family involvement, have seriously hampered the teaching-learning process of the students, provoking feelings of frustration between the teaching team and the families. Therefore, in the face of this situation, teachers have carried out daily monitoring of students through videoconferences and have maintained fluid communication with families through telephone calls, due to the scant use that families and students made of the digital environments provided by the centre.


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How to Cite
Vela Leiva, E. (2021). Online education during COVID-19: problems faced by teachers . RiiTE Interuniversity Journal of Research in Educational Technology, (11), 12–24.