Integration of digital technology in the classroom: Design of an online training proposal from a reflective practice perspective
Faced with the need to create spaces or contexts, both formal and informal, that involve a real connection between teachers and their environment, a proposal for a learning experience designed for Initial Teacher Training (ITT) on reflective thinking, integration of digital technology in the classroom and the Teaching Digital Competence (TDC) of Pedagogy students in Chile. This proposal focuses on pedagogical reflection circles with the main objective of exploring how reflective practice is built during online interactions, specifically asynchronous sessions through discussion forums, through the analysis of the discourse of the content generated in them. and if it turns out to be an effective strategy for the development of reflective thinking skills when analyzing teaching practices around the integration of digital technologies in the classroom. Preliminarily finding four categories when justifying by the students about which definition of reflection they most identify. And alluding to the fact that when they reflect on their teaching work when integrating digital technologies in the classroom, they do so mainly on the dimensions of the content and students, being to a lesser extent the socio-political context.
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