A learning design to promote changes in teacher´s digital assessment practices


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/riite.625971
Palabras clave: Evaluación digital, Competencia, Formación profesores, Diseño pedagógico, Colaboración


In this article, we present the design of an ongoing training course for teachers in non-tertiary education with the aim of promoting a change in their assessment practices towards digital assessment of competences from a sustainable assessment perspective. Using a qualitative approach, we analysed the interactions that took place in the different virtual forums, as well as the reports produced at the end by the participants. Our aim was to find out what the main challenges were for these teachers, while at the same time trying to understand which dimensions of the training process enabled the teachers involved to design and implement strategies for assessing competences using technology. We found that the participants' main difficulties were in changing the focus of the assessment, going beyond the mere assessment of knowledge, as well as in constructing appropriate rubrics for the assessment of competences. Important aspects of the training programme were i) the dimension of collaboration between peers, ii) flexibility in terms of the technologies to be used, considering different digital literacy profiles and iii) the creation and application of pedagogical strategies by the teachers during the training.


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Cómo citar
Pereira, A., & Oliveira, I. (2024). A learning design to promote changes in teacher´s digital assessment practices. RiiTE Revista interuniversitaria de investigación en Tecnología Educativa, (17), 83–100. https://doi.org/10.6018/riite.625971