Transforming creative and inclusive teaching practices with digital media with teachers. A professional development process


Keywords: Inclusion; critical ethnography; digital media; professional development

Supporting Agencies

  • Proyecto de investigación estatal I+D+i ‘Discursos y prácticas de enseñanza creativas e inclusivas con medios digitales en escuelas de especial dificultad’ (PID2020-112880RB-I00)


The analysis of the literature shows that continuous teacher training is developed from a dominant discourse that privileges the agency of knowledge producers (researchers) over consumers (teachers). Taking as a reference the importance of teachers’ professional development around the use of digital media, the objective of this article is to identify how the interaction between researchers and teachers can influence to generate essential transformations for professional development oriented to educational change and social justice. The research includes a questionnaire-based study and a multi-sited ethnography (2021-2024), through participant observations, interviews, informal conversations, document analysis and virtual ethnography in ten schools of special complexity, located in rural and urban areas of Spain. The results show how interaction and joint work between researchers and teachers around the creative use of ICTs generate transformative educational scenarios that challenge the dominant hegemony in teacher training processes. The article highlights key aspects such as the researcher's commitment, the joint reflection between the researcher, and the transformation concerning the professional development of teachers and, consequently, of educational practices.


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Author Biographies

Begoña Vigo-Arrazola, Universidad de Zaragoza

Associate professor at the University of Zaragoza, in the area of Didactics and School Organization, in the Faculty of Education. She is Principal Researcher of the Reference Research Group of the Government of Aragon 'Education and Diversity' and of the Action Group 'Inclusive Education' of Campus Iberus. She has trained and researched in different universities in the United Kingdom, Austria, Sweden, and France. Her lines of research are inclusive education, rural schools, social justice and teacher training, with a mainly ethnographic methodological perspective. He has directed and collaborated in various regional, national and European competitive research projects, which have resulted in numerous articles published in journals such as Qualitative Inquiry or Critical Studies in Education, monographs in Ethnography and Education or Profesorado, and books and chapters in publishers such as Síntesis, Oxford University Press or Routledge. He is Convenor of the Ethnography Network 19 of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) and member of the organizing and scientific committee of the Oxford Ethnography Conference.

Beatriz Macías-Gómez-Estern, Universidad Pablo Olavide

Associate professor in the Department of Social Anthropology, Basic Psychology and Public Health at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain. She has worked as Visiting Scholar at the University of California San Diego, King's College London and Florida International University (Miami), and her main research interest lies in the impact of “otherness” experiences in the discursive construction of identity. She has analyzed these processes of otherness-identity in different multicultural contexts, such as migration (also with a gender perspective), multicultural schools and service-learning in higher education programs working with disadvantaged communities such as Latinos in the USA and Roma in Spain. She has participated in different national and European projects such as the award winning “Voices of Immigrant Women”( She has published in journals such as Theory and Psychology, Culture & Psychology, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, Studies in Higher Education, Sustainability, Frontiers in Psychology, Revista de Educación and Culture & Education, among others. She has also participated as an author in collective works such as University-Community Partnerships for Transformative Education M. Mahmood, M. Elaine, M. and J. Cano.

Mitsuko Matsumoto, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

PhD in Educational Studies from the University of Oxford, UK. Expert in qualitative, participatory and multimodal methodology, with extensive experience in European and international research projects in Education and Childhood Studies, including a COST action on “Digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children (DigiLitEY)” ( . She works as a consultant for Save the Children, Spain.


Ana López-Medialdea, Universidad de Extremadura

Senior Lecturer at the University of Extremadura, in the area of Didactics and School Organization. She is also a member of the Research Group Transformative Education for a Global and Digital Society (Edutransforma-T). His lines of research focus on teacher training and educational innovation, with special interest in educational guidance and the use of active methodologies. In recent years, his research interests have been oriented towards the study of the relational system between school, university and social context, seeking to understand how these institutions interact and transform in the context of an increasingly global and digital society. Throughout his career, he has participated in several research projects related to the improvement of education and continuous teacher training, contributing to the implementation of innovative pedagogical practices in different educational contexts.


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How to Cite
Vigo-Arrazola, B., Macías-Gómez-Estern, B., Matsumoto, M., & López-Medialdea, A. (2024). Transforming creative and inclusive teaching practices with digital media with teachers. A professional development process . Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 28(1), 49–62.