Competencias transversales y aula invertida en educación superior


Keywords: Competencias transversales, aula invertida, educación superior, aprendizaje activo


The increased demand of sift skills among university graduates today requires a reevaluation or careful debate on how teaching and learning are conducted in these higher education institutions. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of implementing the flipped classroom as an active methodology in universities for acquiring a set of soft skills. This is conducted using a descriptive, quantitative quasi-experimental design, collecting information from a group of students before (n=270) and after (n=209) the development of this active methodology through two ad hoc questionnaires. The results show a valid and reliable measurement scale for analyzing soft skills following the application of flipped classroom teaching. Additionally, in both descriptive and inferential analyses, there is an observed increase in students' ratings regarding the acquisition of the proposed skills. Gender and subject differences are significant in both cases, with a higher learning threshold among women and among students in the subject taught in the third year. These findings provide interesting evidence for further advancing the real impact of active methodologies in university classrooms and their close link to the development of students' transversal skills.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Pérez Cusó, Universidad de Murcia

Profesor Asociado. Departamento Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico. Universidad de Murcia.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Clares, P., Pérez Cusó, F. J., González-Morga, N., & González-Lorente, C. (2024). Competencias transversales y aula invertida en educación superior . Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 28(1), 169–182.