Development of academic integrity as an opportunity for justice


Keywords: Higher Education, Academic Integrity, Social Justice, Learning, Citizenships

Supporting Agencies

  • Xunta de Gallicia
  • Consellería de Educación


It is imperative that educational institutions work towards a just and democratic society in which all citizens have equal opportunities for development, regardless of difficulties or diversity. This study analyses teachers‘ and students’ views on the good practice of academic integrity to prevent negative behaviours that affect the development of social justice. The data collection has been carried out on the one hand, through three focus groups, with students from the five branches of knowledge of the Galician university system, and, on the other hand, with teachers who have responded to the open question of the questionnaire " Academic Integrity Questionnaire” (CUGIA-P1). The results show how the understanding of academic integrity is forged on concepts such as; honesty, justice, responsibility, trust, respect and effort. It is concluded that the development of academic integrity is a promoter of fair actions, which will be reflected in the personal, academic, social and professional spheres. Therefore, Higher Education classrooms become an opportunity to develop the ethical bases for the development of citizenship.


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Author Biographies

PHD., University of Coruña

University Professor in the area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the University of A Coruña (Galicia-Spain). He is Director of the Department of Specific Didactics and Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education. His lines of research are focused on attention to diversity, educational quality and academic honesty and integrity. In this last line he has coordinated six research contracts with the Xunta de Galicia that analyze plagiarism, academic integrity of teachers and students, its relationship with Artificial Intelligence and the resources of higher education institutions and integrity in scientific journals. He is president of the Interuniversity Association of Pedagogical Research (AIDIPE) and evaluator of several quality agencies of the university system (email:

PHD., Temporary substitute lecturer

PhD from the University of A Coruña. Degree in Psychopedagogy. Primary Education Teacher. Master in Educational Innovation, Guidance and Evaluation. She is currently a temporary substitute lecturer in the MIDE area at the University of A Coruña. She has been part of the research team of seven projects on Education for Development and Global Citizenship, and several projects on academic plagiarism and academic integrity. Her research topics focus on educational guidance, academic plagiarism, academic integrity and Education for Development and Global Citizenship. Member of the Research Groups in Evaluation and Quality in Education (GIACE) and Methodological Innovation through tutoring and ICT (IMETTIC).

PHD., Full university professor

Professor in the area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of A Coruña. In this institution, she coordinates the Research Group on Evaluation and Educational Quality (GIACE) and is part of the Group of Methodological Innovation through Tutoring and ICT (IMETTIC). At the international level, she coordinates the "Ibero-American Network for Research in Academic Integrity" (Red-IA). His lines of work are focused on evaluation and educational quality, attention to diversity and academic honesty ( She has held several management positions such as senior quality technician, vice-dean of quality and coordinator of Master's Degree (email:

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How to Cite
Muñoz-Cantero, J.-M., Pérez-Crego, M.-C., & Espiñeira-Bellón, E.-M. (2024). Development of academic integrity as an opportunity for justice. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(3), 153–169.