“Positive schools” program: a new comprehensive proposal for emotional education


  • River Chávez Santos Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas
  • José Luis Arista Tejada Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas
  • Angélica María Carrasco Rituay
  • Carlomagno Sancho Noriega Universidad Nacional de Frontera
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.614341
Keywords: Escuela rural, inteligencia emocional, pensamiento positivo, programas educativos


This reseach evaluated the impact of the educational program "Positive Schools" on the emotional intelligence of basic education students. For this, a mixed methodology was used, the quasi-experimental quantitative approach was carried out through a pre- and post-test on 38 basic education students in a rural area. On the other hand, in the qualitative approach, 5 experiences of teachers and 20 students were collected. As main findings, it was found that the students, before being subjected to the educational program, had an emotional intelligence with a “I need help” level regardless of their gender and type of family. Likewise, after a year of implementing the program, the students improved their level of emotional intelligence to a “good” level in 5 dimensions: self-awareness, self-control, emotional exploitation, empathy and social skill. There will also be an impact on positive thinking and self-esteem. It is concluded that the educational program "Positive Schools" had a significant impact on the emotional intelligence of the students.


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How to Cite
Chávez Santos , R., Arista Tejada, J. L., Carrasco Rituay, A. M., & Sancho Noriega, C. (2024). “Positive schools” program: a new comprehensive proposal for emotional education. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(3), 85–103. https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.614341