Current Teacher Neuromyth Analysis Scale (ANDA): A new standard in educational and psychometric research


Keywords: Neuroeducación, Neuromitos, Escala ANDA, Docentes costarricenses


The Analysis of Current Teaching Neuromyths Scale (ANDA) was based on an in-depth study of 64 previous scales and was adapted to the Costa Rican educational context. Its validation involved 25 expert judges and demonstrated excellent content validity, with prevalently considerable Cohen's kappa coefficients in all dimensions. It was also subjected to construct validation after its experimental application (EFA and CFA) to 354 Costa Rican primary school teachers, using factor analysis with the Parallel Analysis method, verifying the adequacy of data by means of KMO and Bartlett’s tests. Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed high internal consistency with high reliability values for the scale as a whole and by factors. Finally, the Likert scale had 47 items, of which 38 belonged to the neuromyth study, structured into seven dimensions or factors, with 5 graded response options through confirmatory factor analysis. Its high reliability generated a new standard in neuroeducational research. For descriptive statistics, percentages of responses, mean, dispersion, kurtosis and skewness of responses were included. The generalized persistence of neuromyths among Costa Rican teachers and the need to overcome them were revealed.


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How to Cite
Navarrete Contreras, A. Y., & Rodríguez Fuentes, A. (2024). Current Teacher Neuromyth Analysis Scale (ANDA): A new standard in educational and psychometric research. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(3), 105–118.