Exercising Executive Functions with a playful software in early childhood education
The research analyzed the impact of Mate Marote, a recreational software specially designed to stimulate Executive Functions, on different cognitive skills in the early childhood education stage. A quantitative experimental design was conducted in which 83 students aged 4 years old, on average, from three public schools in Spain participated. Students in the control group attended one of the schools (n=39), while students from the other two schools (n=44) were randomly assigned to one of two existing experimental groups (CI and S). While the members of the CI group played video games that mainly allowed them to exercise inhibitory control, those of the S group played video games designed to also stimulate working memory and cognitive flexibility. The intervention lasted 7 weeks. Participants played two or three times a week for 15 minutes at most each time. The results revealed improvements in basic executive functions in the two experimental groups, compared to the control group. The specific training of the S group had a greater impact on attention and inhibitory control than that of the CI group.
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