Design of training actions for the improvement of lecturers' digital competences


Keywords: Cultura digital, Tecnología educativa, Formación del profesorado, Innovación docente


The acquisition of the appropriate level of digital competences by university teaching staff is a current challenge that has been accentuated by the acceleration of the digital transformation that has occurred in many universities during the pandemic situation resulting from COVID-19. This article proposes the implementation of training actions as an alternative for the improvement of digital competences related to the creation of digital resources, the teaching-learning process, the evaluation of students and the empowering of these students. The methodology consists of a prior assessment of the lecturers’ digital competences through focus group interviews following the guidelines of the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators. From the results of these interviews are derived the needs that guide the design of the proposed training actions. The results of the evaluation of these actions show that the digital competence in evaluation is the least acquired by the teaching staff, while the teaching-learning and digital resources competences are the most established. The proposal of this work has been performed as a case study at the Catholic University of Murcia, Spain.


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How to Cite
Martínez España, R., Muñoz, A., Cantabella, M., & Ayuso, B. (2024). Design of training actions for the improvement of lecturers’ digital competences. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(1), 117–133.