Sport as an opportunity and well-being tool in prisons to facilitate inclusion


  • Marta Llorach-Segalá Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: Physical activity and sport, Prison, Values, Inclusion


The aim of this paper isto reflect onthe meanings and positive effects of sport for the well-being of inmates, giving voice to the main actorsthemselves, as well as to the technical staff of the penitentiary field. The method used in this study has been ethnographic and has been based mainly on participant observation for two and a half years and thirty in-depth interviews conductedout with inmatesand professionals. The results show the opportunities and well-being tools that the internal population can acquire through sport.These learning habits and values can reduce physical, mental and social problems in prison. For some of them, sportcannot only be the starting point to counteract the effects of imprisonment, but also to facilitate their social inclusion once theirsentence is over.


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How to Cite
Llorach-Segalá, M. (2023). Sport as an opportunity and well-being tool in prisons to facilitate inclusion. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 26(3), 103–115.