The Interactive Research Methods Lab: A Hubfor the Promotion of Educational Changebased on Methodological Equity


Keywords: Interactive Research Methods Lab, Hopscotch, Educational change, Methodological Equity


In this article we present the Interactive Research Methods Lab (IRML) as a hub that facilitates an empowering and emancipatory model leading to the promotion of educational change based on an emerging methodological equity approach.  We describe the origins, evolution and key innitiatives of this innovative physical and virtual space in the Bagwell College of Education (Kennesaw State University) that challenges the traditional approaches to teaching and learning research methods, by promoting the development of a critical inquiry culture among pre-service and in-service teachers.


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How to Cite
Jorrín Abellán, I. (2023). The Interactive Research Methods Lab: A Hubfor the Promotion of Educational Changebased on Methodological Equity. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 26(2), 1–16.