Differences in university students' perceptions of teaching support according to methodology, level of studies and age.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.555341
Keywords: teacher support, autonomy, higer education, student perception


This paper examines the relationships between teaching support, accessibility, and closeness of teachers, support for autonomy, and support for content understanding, through a non-experimental quantitative study, based on a descriptive correlational design. Data were collected from the standardized questionnaire on teaching support, which was administered to 288 university students from three Spanish universities. We conducted a bivariate Pearson correlation between the support variables, finding a positive and significant correlation between them. As a comparison, a Student's t-test was performed for independent samples in terms of age, and mode of studies. As a result of this test, significant differences were found between the groups. However, no significant differences were found according to the modality (bachelor's degree or master's degree). Finally, a single-factor ANOVA was performed for differences according to study methodology (face-to-face or virtual). The results showed significant differences, with the virtual methodology presenting higher scores. Finally, the implications of the findings obtained for higher education are discussed.


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Author Biographies

Laura Abellán Roselló, Universitat Jaume I

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad de Valencia y Licenciada en Psicología por la Universitat Jaume I. Profesora en la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, área Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación de la Facultad de Educación y en la Universitat Jaume I. Su línea de investigación se centra en la calidad de la situación educativa en educación obligatoria y contextos universitarios. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3009-9024

Clara Isabel Fernández Rodicio, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Compagino docencia de Profesora Contratada Doctora en Unir en el Área MIDE con docencia en grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria y en el Master de Investigación Educativa (UNIR) y como Profesora Asociada de la Universidad de Vigo en el área de Didáctica con docencia en grado de Educación Social y Master de Secundaria. Asistencia a Congresos Internacionales como INNOVAGOGIA, INFAD, CUICIID, CIEI, publicaciones en libros y artículos en revistas.


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How to Cite
Abellán Roselló, L., Fernández Rodicio, C. I., & Reyes Suarez, D. C. (2023). Differences in university students’ perceptions of teaching support according to methodology, level of studies and age . Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 26(2), 193–205. https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.555341