Family-School Relationship: Communication in rural and urban contexts


  • Mª Ángeles Hernández-Prados Universidad de Murcia
  • José Santiago Álvarez-Muñoz Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: communciation, school, family, context

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (EDU2016-77035-R)


The communicative dimension of the family-school relationship is a conditioning element in the academic, personal, social and family experiences of the students, which is sensitive to contextual variables, one of which is the area of residence. This descriptive-inferential, cross-sectional and quantitative study aims to identify the differences between rural and urban areas in the communicative relationship between family and school, as well as to verify which socio-demographic and academic variables are significant in each context in this respect. A sample of 3547 families from a municipality in Murcia participated by completing a questionnaire. The results show that families living in urban areas have better communication with schools than those living in rural areas and, in both contexts, the parents' level of studies, the nationality of the parents, the length of time spent in the municipality, the educational stage, the average grade and grade repetition are significant variables. Thus, the articulation of public policies and educational actions that eliminate the communicative bias based on area of residence or socio-educational vulnerability is called for.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Prados, M. Ángeles, & Álvarez-Muñoz, J. S. (2023). Family-School Relationship: Communication in rural and urban contexts. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 26(2), 219–232.