Combination of digital technologies and active methodologies for historical learning


Keywords: Historical learning, Historical consciousness, Digital technologies, 4th grade

Supporting Agencies

  • Centro de Investigación en Educación (CIEd), Instituto de Educación, Universidad de Minho, Portugal, por fondos nacionales de la Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FCT), en el marco del Programa de Doctorado TESLC (Technology Enhanced Learning and Societal Challenges), con la beca FCTPD/BD/150425/2019 concedida al primer autor de este trabajo


This study seeks to understand the potential of ICT, combined with active learning methodologies for the development of historical awareness and historical learning in 4th grade students of a public school in Portugal. This is a qualitative study, using a multiple case study, based on two realities: a 4th grade class (9-10 years old) and a 6th grade class (11-12 years old), as well as several techniques and instruments for data collection: questionnaire survey, focus group, participant observation, semi-structured interviews and works produced by the students. For the qualitative data analysis we used the analysis techniques of the Grounded Theory methodology, with the support of Nvivo software, and for the quantitative data we used descriptive statistics. Pedagogical interventions were designed to mobilize second order concepts, such as evidence, explanation, change/permanence in the elaboration of their historical ideas, through the use of some digital platforms. In this article we present the didactic intervention session related to the 1st activity of the project about the Black Death and Covid-19 in Portugal, implemented in the 1st cycle of basic education. Preliminary results allow us to conclude that the use of ICT by students in the proposed activitiesled to the development of their historical awareness, historical learning, as well as digital literacy.


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Author Biographies

Vânia Graça, Centre for Research in Education (CIEd), Institute of Education of the University of Minho

She is currently a visiting assistant professor at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. She has a Master's degree in Teaching Primary School Education and Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education from the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal) and a degree in Basic Education from the Institute of Education of the University of Minho (Portugal). She is currently doing her PhD in Education Sciences, specializing in Educational Technology, at the Institute of Education, University of Minho, developing a project under funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), called "Active methodologies and digital technologies for the development of historical awareness: a case study with students of 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education". She is a researcher at the Centre for Research in Education (CIEd), University of Minho, where she is developing her PhD project. Since 2018 she is a researcher in the IFITIC project "Innovating with ICT in Initial Teacher Training to promote methodological renewal in Pre-school Education and in the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education", of the Innovation Research Centre of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (InED). She has some communications and publications in the area of Education. Her areas of study are: Educational Technology; Active Methodologies; History Education; Teaching and Learning of History; Historical Consciousness; Historical Thinking; Basic Education; Teacher Training.

Glória Solé, Centre for Research in Education (CIEd), Institute of Education of the University of Minho

Gloria Solé is an Assistant Teacher at the University of Minho, Institute of Education (Portugal). Is a professor of the Department of Integrated Studies Literacy, Teaching and Supervision. PhD in Child Studies from the University of Minho with a thesis: Primary History: Time concepts and historical understanding in children and context for their development. Her research is related to Historical Education, on historical cognition, especially examines students’ understanding such as historical evidence and historical time, and Citizenship Education. She as published numerous articles, book chapters, and communications related to the teaching of History for children. She is a Scientific Coordinator of the Journal Estudos Regionais, Centro de Estudos Regionais (CER), Portugal.

Is member of the Research Center of Education (CIEd)- University of Minho. Member of the team that conducted the “Learning out comes ” to History published online by the Ministry of Education (DGIC, 2010). Member of CiCe Association (Children’s Identity & Citizenship in Europe- CICE). Member of History Educational International Research Network (HEIRNET). Member of The Historical Association. Member of Associação de Professores de História (APH). Member of IRAHSSE.

Altina Ramos, Center for Research in Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho

Professor and researcher at the Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology in the Institute of Education of University of Minho, Portugal. She is researcher at the Research Centre in Education (CIEd). With several publications in the research areas: technology and learning; technology and teachers training; research methodologies – software of analysis of qualitative data.


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How to Cite
Graça, V., Solé, G., & Ramos, A. . (2023). Combination of digital technologies and active methodologies for historical learning. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 26(2), 207–217.