The Inclusion of ICT-based Innovative Educational in Primary Schools and their impact on the Academic Performance of Students.


Keywords: Academic performance, Innovation project, Cost, Teacher training


An increasing number of educational institutions are betting on the development of innovative projects and their inclusion in pedagogical plans. In these projects, the ICT component has been established as a fundamental pillar. However, there are no relevant data that demonstrate the impact of these innovation proposals on academic performance, and by extension, on the possibility of improving the quality of education. The aim of this study is to verify the influence that the incorporation of innovation projects into the pedagogical plan of the center, and the cost per student, can have on the percentage of students who promote or repeat, in the Primary Education stage, according to data from the Spanish Ministry of Education.

It has been observed that, contrary to public opinion, undertaking an ICT-based educational project correlates with the generation of a higher rate of repeating students, and in turn, with a lower number of students who are promoted, and that the cost per student is not related to academic performance. Revealing data, which again may have a different cause to those that are usually attributed arbitrarily.


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How to Cite
Soto-Varela, R., Boumadan, M., Ortega-Rodríguez, P. J., & Poyatos-Dorado, C. (2023). The Inclusion of ICT-based Innovative Educational in Primary Schools and their impact on the Academic Performance of Students. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 26(1), 41–53.