Social implications of the emergence of Big Data and robotics: a prospective analysis in Hispanic American teachers


  • Rocío del Pilar Rumiche Chávarry Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
  • Antonio Matas Terrón Universidad de Málaga
  • José Manuel Ríos Ariza Universidad de Málaga
  • Gerardo Raúl Chunga Chinguel Instituto de Tecnologías para la Educación
Keywords: Big Data; Artificial intelligence; Robots; Teachers


Big Data is one of the most socially disruptive technologies, along with artificial intelligence. Numerous studies have shown that, through the development and implementation of these tools in education, it is possible to achieve one of the "old aspirations", which is the personalisation of education. This exploratory study focuses on finding out, through an ad hoc questionnaire, the social vision of South American teachers, working at different educational levels, of some social and future aspects of Big Data, artificial intelligence and robots to see to what extent their opinion coincides with the advantages and problems expressed in scientific research on these topics. A non-probabilistic sample of 283 teachers was collected. The descriptive statistical analyses show that the majority of teachers think similarly to what is expressed in the research, and this will influence their decision-making and the explicit and hidden curriculum.


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How to Cite
Rumiche Chávarry, R. del P., Matas Terrón, A., Ríos Ariza, J. M., & Chunga Chinguel, G. R. (2023). Social implications of the emergence of Big Data and robotics: a prospective analysis in Hispanic American teachers. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 26(1), 115–127.