Creencias del profesorado de Educación Secundaria en torno al uso de la Realidad Mixta en el aula
Supporting Agencies
- Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through R&D projects (reference), within the State framework of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016: Design, Implementation and evaluation of materials in Mixed Reality for learning environments (PID2019- 108933GB-I00).
The incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies in the educational field has already become a reality. One of the emerging technologies showing the ability to promote the real and interactive learning that current society demands would be Mixed Reality. Therefore, it is important to analyze the teacher’s perception about the use of these digital resources in the educational environment. So, the main aim of this work was to know this perception in secondary school teachers about the use of Mixed Reality in this educational stage. The used method has been a descriptive and correlational quantitative study. The sample consisted of 353 teachers in training for the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education at the University of Córdoba. This descriptive study indicates that teachers consider that the use of Augmented Reality in teaching will promote a more active, collaborative, transversal and motivating teaching. Likewise, they consider that specific training in these technologies is needed for their implementation in the classroom. In conclusion, it should be noted that, in general, they have a positive perception of the use of Mixed Reality in the educational field.
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