Prospective Teachers’ Perceptions about their level of digital competence
Technologies have more and more influence on training, being essential to improve the digital competence of the whole society, especially the agents involved in education. The objective of this study is to analyse the perceptions of future primary teachers about their level of digital competence. A quantitative longitudinal panel design was applied (pre-test and post-test), with a descriptive, inferential and predictive approach. The sample consisted of 185 prospective primary teachers from the University of Malaga (Spain), in the academic year 2021-2022, who answered the “Digital Competence Questionnaire for Future Teachers” in the context of a subject on educational technology. The results reflect positive perceptions on the level of digital competence after finishing the subject, with significant differences by gender in favour of men. The variables autonomous learning and motivation were predictors of the participants' perceptions, including that of adequate training only for women. In conclusion, it is necessary to continue reinforcing the initial training of teachers to improve their digital competence.
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