Motivational teaching practices in higher education: the case of health and pedagogical programs


Keywords: Motivational practices, motivation, learning, faculty members

Supporting Agencies

  • This research was founded by National Research and Development Agency, ANID – Chile, through the Regular Fondecyt Project 1210626.


The present study analyzes the motivational practices reported by academics in education and health programs. Faculty members from both areas of knowledge (n= 392 ) answered a questionnaire about their usual procedures to develop learning motivation in university students in both face-to-face and online education contexts. The results show that more than half of these practices correspond to didactic and not motivational strategies. In turn, the types of motivational practices prevalent in both groups are similar (empathy, importance, amusement). Although the lack of mention of practices associated with rewards and punishments stands out, the low mention of motivational practices related to promoting autonomy and self-determination, the value of usefulness, and the classroom climate, are notorious. It is also noted that practices in the online format are significantly reduced in health teachers and increased in education teachers. Finally, after discussing the results, it is possible to conclude the need and the challenge of better motivational training for university teachers in education and health.


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How to Cite
Valenzuela Carreño, J., Muñoz, C., Miranda-Ossandón, J., & Lobos, C. (2022). Motivational teaching practices in higher education: the case of health and pedagogical programs. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 25(3), 29–42.