Motivations, expectations, and benefits of the practicum from the point of view of school tutors


Keywords: Practicum, initial training, motivation, expectations, Teacher Educators, higher education


The aim of this study is to find out the motivations, expectations, and benefits of the practicum from the school tutor's (teacher educators) point of view. The methodology is a descriptive, non-experimental design based on a survey. The sample is made up of a total of 386 in-service teachers from Childhood and Primary Education schools in the province of Castellón (Spain), representing the 95% of the reference population. A mixed data analysis has been carried out, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques. The main findings indicate: 1) the assessment of the practicum period is very high; 2) motivation is focused on personal and professional growth; 3) the prevailing expectations of students are focused on personal and social qualities, rather than methodological ones; and 4) the benefits refer to own tutors’ practice improvement. These outcomes help to understand and recognise the teacher educators work in schools and, ultimately, to improve the quality of learning in teachers’ initial training.


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Author Biography

Paola Ruiz Bernardo, Universitat Jaume I

Es profesora ayudante del Área Didáctica y Organización Escolar del Departamento de Educación. Es doctora por la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón. Licenciada en Pedagogía, por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina). Diploma en Magisterio de Educación  Primaria (Argentina). También es Directora del Seminario Permanente de Innovación Educativa para la Mejora del Prácticum de las titulaciones de Maestro de Infantil y Primaria. Centra sus líneas de investigación en la educación intercultural e inclusiva y la innovación educativa. 


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How to Cite
Ruiz Bernardo, P., Sánchez-Tarazaga , L., & Sanahuja Ribés, A. (2022). Motivations, expectations, and benefits of the practicum from the point of view of school tutors. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 25(3), 207–219.