Descriptive study of Cybervictimization in a sample of Compulsory Secondary Education students


Keywords: Adolescence, New technologies, Cyber bullying, Gender


During adolescence, the greatest risks of misuse of new technologies occur, and with it, the proliferation of cyberbullying. The objective of this work is to carry out a descriptive analysis of cybervictimization according to gender and grade in a sample of Compulsory Secondary Education students from a private school in the city of Cáceres. The methodology used in the research is basic, non-experimental, descriptive-correlational. A total of 141 students from courses throughout the ESO stage participated. The results show a high digitization of households (99.3%). It also appears that verbal-written cybervictimization is the most common in adolescents to carry out cyberbullying.


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How to Cite
Rojo Ramos, J. ., Ferrera Granados, C. ., Mañanas Iglesias , C. ., & Guevara Pérez, J. C. (2022). Descriptive study of Cybervictimization in a sample of Compulsory Secondary Education students. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 25(1), 117–130.