El Aprendizaje y Servicio en la retención de estudiantes de ingeniería


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.503351
Keywords: Service-Learning, Computer Science, University, Students dropping


Service-Learning is considered a teaching methodology that privileges the participation of students, placing them in the leading or main role to build their own learning. The aim of this paper is to know and analyze the perception of students and teachers regarding how the application of Service-Learning affects the permanence of students in the first training cycle in computing and computing degrees. A mixed research method has been used, with a predominance of the qualitative approach, resorting to a convenience sample of students and teachers from engineering faculties of Chilean universities, in addition to the perception of a group of SL experts. The results obtained, from self-administered questionnaires and surveys, and processed using the Atlas.Ti software, showed that the Service-Learning has an effective and positive impact on student performance. Finally, the authors conclude that it is necessary to implement innovative, participatory learning proposals that combine theory and practice, that achieve meaningful learning in the student, that link it to environmental problems and develop a greater social sense, in order to form not only better professionals but also better citizens.


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How to Cite
Cornejo Helgueta, J., & Sánchez Fuentes, S. (2022). El Aprendizaje y Servicio en la retención de estudiantes de ingeniería . Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 25(1), 131–143. https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.503351