Digital competences of university professors during the covid-19 pandemic in Peru


Keywords: Covid-19, digital skills, professor, higher education, pandemic, virtual classes


Information and communication technologies have had a significant impact on people's quality of life in recent years. But, its educational potential has yet to be fully realized. In the wake of the covid-19 outbreak, this article presents an examination of the digital competence of university professors. The development of these talents among university professors was studied. To collect data, Google Forms was used to create online surveys. Requests were sent to the 240 professors of the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo via institutional email, and the responses of the 187 professors were included in the SPSS V26 database as a result of the outbreak. The findings show that university professors have sufficient digital skills, but their use in non-face-to-face classrooms is restricted, requiring a review of training programs in public institutions in this context of the COVID-19 epidemic.


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Author Biographies

Rosario Mercedes Huerta Soto, Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de mayolo

Economist, Master of Business Administration, MBA (Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Peru) RENACYT researcher qualified by CONCYTEC, university professor, Peru. Author of books, book chapters and articles in indexed magazines.

Magna Guzman Avalos, Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo

Pharmaceutical chemist, PhD in management and educational sciences, RENACYT researcher qualified by CONCYTEC and principal professor of the faculty of medical sciences at the Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University, Huaraz, Peru.

Judith Isabel Flores Albornoz, Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Perú.

Sanitary Engineer, Doctor in Environmental Engineering from the Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University and full-time assistant professor at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University, Peru.

Segundo Juvencio Tomas Aguilar, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Huaraz, Peru.

Public Accountant and Doctor of Education from the Cesar Vallejo University, Peru. University professor, advisor, thesis jury and coordinator of the professional accounting school of the Huaraz Branch of the Cesar Vallejo University, Peru.


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How to Cite
Huerta Soto, R. M., Guzman Avalos, M. ., Flores Albornoz, J. I., & Tomas Aguilar, S. J. (2022). Digital competences of university professors during the covid-19 pandemic in Peru. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 25(1), 49–60.