Analysis of the effects of an innovative co-teaching project in Higher Education


Keywords: Coteaching, Higher Education, Team Teaching, Teaching Strategies


A study of a didactic innovation project in higher education based on the team-building co-teaching model is presented. The project involves the integration of two subjects with two teachers, different objectives, training loads and even different types ofclassrooms. The purpose of this research is to show the effects of the application of this unconventional teaching model in the academic experience of students and teachers. Through a qualitative approach and by means as of questionnaires, discussion groups and in-depth interviews; the research studies the effects of teaching experience in three major categories of analysis: the logistics of the program, student learning and the role of teachers. The results show different magnitude of the effects for eachdimension of analysis and, in addition, results also show different perceptions for each dimension of analysis in accordance with each agents’ perspective. As a conclusion, the work concludes the three most significant effects for starting and maintainingco-teaching projects in higher education.


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How to Cite
Pla-Campas, G., Español, E., & Español, español. (2022). Analysis of the effects of an innovative co-teaching project in Higher Education. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 25(1), 93–104.