La pedagogía de la muerte en la formación inicial docente


Keywords: formación de docentes, pedagogía, muerte, análisis documental


Death is a natural phenomenon and, as such, is part of our lives. However, its inclusion as curricular content is far from being effective, neither in the training of students nor in teacher´s training. Based on this reality, this proposal analyses the integration of the pedagogy of death into the initial training plans of future teachers of Primary Education. Specifically, the training plans of 15 public universities are examined, through the presence of terms related to this discipline from a mixed approach: on the one hand, the presence of the terms is quantitatively explored and, on the other hand, qualitatively analyzed in which subjects are integrated and with what conception (biological, religious, philosophical or sociocultural). The results highlight the scarcity of terms linked to death and, therefore, the non-existence of teaching training in pedagogy of death, allowing to identify the need no establish strategies to train teachers on this issue.


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Author Biographies

Ernesto Colomo Magaña, Universidad de Málaga

Personal Docente e Investigador

Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación

Vicente Gabarda Méndez, Universidad de Málaga


Grupo de Investigación Innoeduca

Andrea Cívico Ariza, Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Profesora Adjunta.

Área de Educación.

Nuria Cuevas Monzonís, Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Profesora Adjunta.

Área de Educación.


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How to Cite
Colomo Magaña, E., Gabarda Méndez, V., Cívico Ariza, A., & Cuevas Monzonís, N. (2021). La pedagogía de la muerte en la formación inicial docente. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 24(2).