Analysis of qualitative data through the system of tables and matrices in educational research


Keywords: Qualitative data analysis; group interviews; matrixes; tables.


This article aims to provide qualitative analysis systems of the data generated from the information obtained in interviews of focus groups and discussion groups as a method of shared and conversational learning. Interviews have been carried out with two groups of experts in education, on the one hand focus groups formed by 4/5 teachers-consultants of teaching centers; on the other hand discussion groups formed by 4/6 teacher-mentors. A group of each group strategy has been used for the qualitative analysis of the data, the topics being used in the focus groups “Advantages and disadvantages of the participation of schools in school networks” and in the discussion groups “Identification of obstacles and barriers in the process of advising beginner teachers”. In both cases, the conversation about their own professional experiences has been deepened, being analyzed with systems of tables and matrices of which we propose two models. It concludes the need to use rigorous models of systematic analysis of the information obtained with the objective of building solid theories by the interviewees on the topics to be treated in shared experiences for the construction of knowledge.


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Author Biography

Elena Hernández de la Torre, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesora Titular del Dpto. Didáctica y Organización Educativa de la Universidad de Sevilla


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How to Cite
Hernández de la Torre, E., & González-Miguel, S. . (2020). Analysis of qualitative data through the system of tables and matrices in educational research. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 23(3).