Online teacher training. An analysis of teachers´profiles and teachers´opinion


  • Melchor Gómez García University of Murcia
  • Moussa Boumadan Hamed
  • Cesar Poyatos Dorado
  • Roberto Soto Varela
Keywords: e-learning; teacher training; multimedia education; lifelong learning


The lack of a relationship between the tutor and the course participants makes this type of environment unmotivating for most online training course participants. But every day there is an increasing offer of online courses for teacher training, so the aim of the study is to know the profile of teachers who opt for online training and their opinion about them.

Fifty online courses belonging to the educational offer of the Regional Ministry of Education of Madrid have been analysed, obtaining data from the online surveys carried out at the end of each of these courses.

It has been found that this online training offer is promoted and channelled mainly from the web and the services of the council itself. What is most valued by the teachers surveyed are the contents and activities, rather than the format of the course or the technologies on which it is based. The courses with pedagogical themes are the ones that are most valued above the technological ones.

The conclusions suggest that a boost in the technopedagogical part of the courses developed in online learning environments is needed.


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How to Cite
Gómez García, M., Boumadan Hamed , M., Poyatos Dorado, C., & Soto Varela, R. (2020). Online teacher training. An analysis of teachers´profiles and teachers´opinion. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 23(2).