Analysis of the expectations of the students of the Master of Secondary Education with regard to the professional competences of the teacher
At current, training in professional teaching skills is a basic and fundamental pillar in carrying out initial teacher training. It is essential that Higher Education promotes an educational practice that allows aspiring teachers to be aware of the multiple demands that the teacher must carry out effectively in the school context. Based on this idea, the present work aims to analyse the perceptions of 410 students of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education about the professional skills that a teacher should have. To this end, a descriptive and correlational transversal methodology was advocated, using the questionnaire as a measurement instrument. The results showed that students attach great value to those issues linked to the learning to learn competence, the importance of proper coexistence and social relations, as well as the promotion of a critical and reflective spirit. Likewise, correlation was established between those variables linked to emotional teaching and to the tutorial and guidance areas. Therefore, it is necessary to continue in a line of work that continues to improve the initial training of future teachers in the face of the many challenges that they face in the current educational context.
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