Self-perception of Primary Education teachers in service from the TPACK model


  • Ana Maria Ortiz Colon Universidad de JAén
  • Miriam Ágreda Montoro
  • Javier Rodríguez Moreno
Keywords: TPACK; self-perception; teacher training; Primary education


The study aims to analyze the most relevant results of the research carried out with primary education teachers, with reference to the TPACK model. The objective of this research is to know the self-perception of primary school teachers in service, regarding their technological training, taking as a reference the TPACK diagnostic scale. For the collection of information, a Likert type questionnaire already validated was adapted, following the TPACK model. The questionnaire consists of 47 items that collect information on the seven dimensions of the model. The sample consists of 607 teachers. The research is of a non-experimental descriptive nature, and performs a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The most significant results have been the finding of differences regarding the gender of the participants. In general, it is men who have a greater perception of themselves regarding the use and integration of ICTs in their teaching practice, especially in scientific matters. Women seem to be more effective when they select approaches to guide student learning and thinking in terms of reading and writing.


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Author Biography

Ana Maria Ortiz Colon, Universidad de JAén

Universidad de Jaén

Departamento de Pedagogia

Profesora Titular del Area de D.O.E.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Colon, A. M., Ágreda Montoro, M., & Rodríguez Moreno, J. (2020). Self-perception of Primary Education teachers in service from the TPACK model. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 23(2), 53–65.