Personal Networks of Students with Disabilities at University


Keywords: Higher education; disability; personal networks; analysis of social networks.


This article analyzes the personal networks of university students with disabilities. The purpose was to analyze their personal networks to know how they contributed to the access and permanence at university of these students. In order to build student networks, we carried out in-depth semi-structured and we relied on Ucinet and Netdraw for their representation. The results were organized in two parts: size and composition of the personal networks of the students; and people who facilitate or obstruct the university trajectories. In the conclusions we suggested that, since other university structures did not respond to the needs of these students, considering the family as the main support.


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How to Cite
Moriña Díez, A., Márquez Vázquez, C., & Álvarez, E. (2020). Personal Networks of Students with Disabilities at University: . Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 23(2).