Educational Alliance school/family and parents´ chat groups: a look at the Italian situation


Keywords: Families; teachers; educational alliance; new communication technologies; education.


The call for collaboration between the school and the family is a constant of many educational centers, however, its meaning is rarely defined and not always the measures adopted to support it at the pragmatic level are adequate, registering from both sides problematic situations of des-alliance. In this contribution, the coordinates of the educational alliance are analyzed, highlighting the latest advances and prefiguring resolution scenarios from a theoretical and methodological point of view. In particular, the most adressed topic that appears with more and more force in the dynamics between families and educational and school services: The use of the progenitors of new communication technologies. These new forms of relationship, although they have positive aspects, are characterized by a communication little filtered, very immediate and, often, emotional, having an impact on the educational relationship, generating more problems and urging the need for a type of project-action from the educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Gigli, A., Demozzi, S., & Pina Castillo, M. (2019). Educational Alliance school/family and parents´ chat groups: a look at the Italian situation. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 22(3), 15–30.